Monday, April 21, 2014

1.8 Glamorous Cubicle Life

Hey everyone! Thank you all so much for reading and commenting over the last few chapters. It makes writing so great to have your feedback and know you're enjoying the story so far. I had a little trouble writing this chapter, because I am anxious to get Gavin and Annelise's life (and next generation) started, so this chapter may seem kind of boring with mundane details, but its important to set the stage for the coming chapters! I hope you like it!


Once Clara started school, Annelise decided to go back to work. She had always loved working, and her days had started to get pretty lonely now that Clara was in school all day. Annelise interviewed for a Corporate Business job, and was quickly offered a job. The salary was nothing to get too excited about, but Annelise was looking forward to working again and focusing on her career.

Annelise's first day of work was tougher than she expected. She had big dreams and ideas about starting her professional job, doing important work, and climbing a career ladder. Her cubicle was small, in a dark grey office and she felt so alone. "This is not as glamorous as I expected" she thought to herself as she manually entered data from one report to a Excel Spreadsheet.  She missed Clara, and wondered what how school was going . Since Clara was just in Kindergarten, they had hired their babysitter to pick her up and spend the afternoon with her.

"Am I making a mistake?" Annelise wondered, thinking that maybe she should be at home with her, helping her with her homework, making cookies, and doing the "mom" thing.

"Hey, no sleeping on your first day!" 

Annelise jumped, startled by the voice behind her. "Oh,  I wasn't I promise! Just thinking!"

The girl laughed. "I'm just messing with you! I am Harper, I sit in the cube next door. Whats wrong? Why do you seem so down?"

Annelise tried to smile, "Nothing, nothings wrong. Just trying to figure out what I am supposed to be doing, and do it quicker than at a snails pace. I hate being new, I feel so incompetent!"
Harper laughed again. "Don't worry about it, you're doing fine. This place is kind of a sink or swim place, no one is going to hold your hand. No one held mine, but you seem sharp. If you can navigate the computer programs and churn out our quota of reports, you'll do fine. Anyway, lets go grab some coffee. Its break time!"

The girls went to the courtyard, where there was an outdoor coffee bar and break area. "Wow, this is so nice!" Annelise said. She had never worked somewhere she could order a real latte on campus.

"Yeah, its not bad. Its the least they can do for us, I always say!" Harper said. "So, what's your story? Where did you work before here?"

"Well, I graduated from University about four years ago, but this is my first real job since college. I did some internships during college, but for the past couple of years, I've just stayed home with my daughter, well, step-daughter. Almost step-daughter...I don't know what you would call her. My fiancé's daughter. "

"Wow, that sounds complicated" Harper said.

"It is, kind of. I moved here from Bridgepoint, and fell in love with my next door neighbor. He had a two year old daughter, and since I didn't have a job, I started taking care of her while he worked temporarily. But then I fell in love with her too, her name is Clara, and decided I'd just stay home with her until she started school. She's in Kindergarten here I am."

"I bet you miss her now that she is in school, huh?" Harper asked.

"I do, actually. Do you have any kids?" Annelise asked.

"No...I hear you need to have a husband before kids. And, well, no prospects for one of those either."

Annelise laughed. "You're gorgeous, and really funny. You will not find a hard time finding a husband, trust me."

"I just keep picking the bad guys. You know, the ones that are all wrong for you, not marriage material but fun to look at and even better in bed? Someday, I'll learn!"

"I dated my fair share of bad guys too, and trust me, they're bad guys for a reason. But I never imagined the guy I'd end up with would be a single dad. Its funny how our lives don't always go according to our own plans. Its like God has a better idea for us or something..." Annelise said.

"So, when is your wedding?" Harper asked. She was a romantic at heart, and loved the idea of weddings, love and babies. She was kind of wild, and still was too busy having fun to settle down, but she still dreamed of that perfect guy that would sweep her off her feet and make the idea of settling down sound dreamy.

"We don't really have a date! I was thinking next summer? Gosh, I don't know. The idea of planning a wedding seems so overwhelming to me!"

"Let me help! I love weddings!" Harper squealed.

"Okay. You're hired." 

The girls finished their coffee, and headed back into the office. Annelise was relieved to have a friend at work. Somehow having someone she could talk to made the whole idea seem so much more bearable.

As Annelise got back in the swing of things with being at work, the family quickly developed a routine. They spent the evenings together, eating dinner, and then Annelise spent the rest of their evenings helping Clara with her homework. As Clara entered into the first grade, they noticed that she seemed to be falling behind in her school word. She didn't seem to be at the same reading level as her classmates, so Annelise and Gavin both worked hard to help her practice and develop her study habits.

Clara was much more interested in playing outside than she was reading or doing homework. Every day after school, she raced outside to play in her tree house that her dad had built her. She loved to swing, run, play tag and play make believe. She was full of imagination, and never wanted to come inside.

It was a fine line for Annelise, because she wanted to let Clara just be a kid. She had been forced to grow up too fast herself, and she didn't want to do that to Clara. But she also wanted Clara to do well in school and learn that sometimes, work did have to come before play time. Annelise felt frustrated that Clara's babysitter didn't make her start her homework right after school. If she would just get it done and over with, she could have the rest of the evening to play!

"Clara, its time to come down now. You have homework to do, and I need to talk to you."

"Aww mom, come on! I'll do my homework after dinner. " Clara whined.

"Clara, now." Annelise said, trying not to get frustrated with her. 

"Clara, your teacher sent me an email today. Do you want to tell me anything about your grades in school?" Annelise asked after Clara reluctantly came down.

"I don't know Mom, school is hard!" Clara whined. "I hate reading, and I hate math and I get so bored just sitting in my classroom. I wish I could have recess all day!"

"I know sweetie, but you have to study. Your homework is important, and so is what your teacher is trying to teach you. From now on, I am going to tell your babysitter that there is no playing outside until all your homework is done and checked."

"Thats not FAIRRRRR!!" Clara cried.

"Clara, thats enough. You are getting ready to go into second grade, and I don't want you falling behind. If you need extra help, we can help you. I know you are smart enough to get good grades, its just a matter of being disciplined to get your work done before you play. Now, go inside and wash up. Its almost time for dinner."

"Clara, is there something you want to tell your Dad?" Annelise asked while the three of them ate dinner. 

"Ummm...." Clara stalled, dreading what her Dad would say. "I have a bad grade in school Dad."

"What do you mean Clara? What's going on?"

"Dad, I already know okay? Mom already said no more playing until I do my homework everyday. I am sorry!"

"Well, Clara, I am disappointed you aren't doing well, but you don't have to be sorry. You just need to tell us how we can help you. If something isn't making sense, or you need extra help, you just have to tell us."

"Okay Daddy."

As they finished their dinner as a family, the doorbell rang. "I wonder who that could be," Gavin said as he stood up quickly to answer the door. 

"MAX? What are you doing here?" Gavin said, stunned to see his brother at his door. Gavin and Max hadn't seen each other since Max graduated high school. He quickly left for University, and besides a few phone calls around holidays, they had lost touch. Max was Gavin's younger brother who loved to party and had no intentions of settling down, at least the last time Gavin had talked to him.

"Hey big brother! I've missed you! I actually am in town for a job interview, and Mom said you were here...she said it had been a long time since she'd heard from you but last she knew, you were here. So, I started asking around town. Riverview isn't very big, and here I am! I couldn't pass through town without stopping to see my brother, and my little niece. How is she?! Four or five now?"

"Wow...I am shocked to see you man. Clara is great, she's actually seven now. Why don't you come in? I live here with my fiancé, Annelise. We're getting married next summer. We're just finishing dinner, we'll make you a plate."

"Are you sure Bro? I'd hate to interrupt family time..." Max said, but his eyes were full of hope. Max hadn't seen any of his family for over five years because he had been too busy sowing his wild oats in Bridgepoint. Riverview was a quiet, almost boring town, but he liked the idea of being close to his brother and even thought the idea of settling down himself didn't sound so bad.

"Of course I am sure! Come on!" Gavin said, throwing his arms around his brother. He'd forgotten how much he missed him, and just like that, it was like no time had passed at all and they were laughing and comfortable around each other in no time.


  1. It wasn't boring at all!! :) Yeah, I am not a big fan of dealing with homework, either. It's tough to get the kids to do it when it is warm out and they want to play. :) You did a great job on that! :)

    It's really nice that Annelise has a friend now! It always makes you feel better when there is someone at work you can talk to. :) Glad she found someone!! :)

    Hmmm....Max....glad that his brother came back, but what will happen with him? Hmmmm....... :)

    1. Thank you so much for your thoughtful comments! I think Max might stir things up a little and bring some excitement into their lives ;)

  2. So glad I found this story. Such a cute little family. I'm curious about the brother as well. Maybe it will be a good reunion.

    1. Hey Leah! I am glad you found the story too. Welcome :) Thanks so much for your comment! I hope Max is a good addition to the family too.

  3. Replies
    1. Oohh me too. I know Gavin hopes he is here for good reasons only too because he has been sort of lonely without many guy friends. :) Thank you for reading and commenting, it means so much to me! :)

  4. Harper seems nice. :) I'm glad Annelise found a friend.

    I feel bad for Clara; I know how difficult it is to concentrate as a little kid... Especially when there a thousand things more entertaining then maths and reading. Hopefully she gets better grades and doesn't fall behind. It's good that her family wants to help her catch up and doesn't just punish for not meeting their expectations. :)

    Their family is so adorable, I hope Max doesn't stir things up too much...

  5. Such a cute chapter... I like the real life ones, the drama is always fun but these are the ones where you grow to love the characters so not bored at all!

    Aww Clara... I wish I could have recess all day too. Being a grown up is rubbish!

    Hmm Max, I wonder what he brings to the plot... Maybe him and Harper could have a torrid romance!

  6. Oh I'm so happy that Annelise has a friend at her office, it really does make work so much better. LOL. Oh, Clara sounds like me when I was a child, haha, I always thought school was terribly boring. Yay, a visit from a family member! :)

  7. It wasn't boring at all! Great chapter! Poor Clara, recess all day would be great :).
